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How Pakistan Can Benefit From GIS

Geo Spatial Sciences are being applied all over the globe, for efficient and good governance. Developed and under developed countries are focusing to include innovation in geographic sciences for better administration and management.
Image by Uzairmaqbool from Pixabay
Issue of Tax- Evaders in Pakistan:
Ministry of Finance, FBR (Federal Board of Revenue) often complain about tax evaders, a good approach for them is use GIS, using satellite images every individual lot can be mapped, property tax system can be made updated using spatial approach.

Transportation Planning can be enhanced with Remote Sensing:
Using Remote Sensing techniques, government can map the parking lots with vehicle density, which can be used to identify urban area transportation problem.

Urban Planners can benefit from LU/LC maps:
Using Land Use Land cover maps; change detection can be monitored and analyzed on regular basis, on basis of accurate data set.

Forest Monitoring made easy:
Forest can be monitored on regular basis using freely available data sets, Pakistan forest cover has been estimated to 4.8%, optimal standard needs to be up to 25%, Federal and Provincial Government is struggling hard to mitigate deforestation, using Remote Sensing forest can be monitored and managed on regular basis.

Snow Cover Estimation:    
Northern Pakistan is blessed to have a large snow cover, each year large amount of snow fall occurs, monitoring snow cover on regular basis is important from environmental and climatic policy perspective that can be done with Satellite Data available free of cost.

Earthquake and Hazard Mapping:
Pakistan is regularly encountered with floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, using Geo-Spatial Sciences effective preparedness, response can be achieved that will reduce deaths and other monetary and non-monetary losses.

Agriculture can be improved:
Pakistan is agricultural country, an overview of agricultural methods in Pakistan will reveal old traditional method of farming, using Geo-spatial Sciences, and agriculture methodology can be improved. Cost effective spatial Apps can be incorporated to yield good results. Precision and updated farming can leverage return.

Exploring Minerals and Oil reserves:  
Pakistan has vast mineral and natural resources, Baluchistan has largest reserves in Pakistan, and many other areas have different natural resources. Exploration of oil, gas coal, and other useful energy resources, minerals can be done using Remote Sensing.

Monitoring scarce species:
Climate of Pakistan suits for many species like Polar bear, many other mammal species, reptiles and birds. Using Remote Sensing & GIS these rare species can be monitored.

Real Estate and Patwari System:  
Pakistan is rapidly urbanizing, various cities have jumped into overcrowding, built up area is increasing dramatically, Real Estate Business is flourishing, in all such scenario GIS can transform real estate business activities. Land record system that has been computerized to a large extent relies on GIS.
There can be many other applications to be included, wide domain of GIS, its wide applications almost in every sector will require uncountable words.

Sources :


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