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Showing posts from January, 2017

What is SMAP

SMAP   Soil Moisture Active Passive   What is the purpose:  An orbiting observatory that measures the amount of water in the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil everywhere on Earth’s surface for every 2 -3 days . Image by  _Marion  from  Pixabay   It produces global maps of soil moisture, so creating a vast applications around the globe, It can be used for weather and climate studies. image source: NASA SMAP Publications Data Tutorials

GeoDa Free GIS Software

What is GeoDa : GeoDa provides analysis of various data formats like  shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, SQLite and table format (CSV, XLS and DBF). Image by  Pexels  from  Pixabay   How it is related to GIS: It provides Geo-visualization, user can perform certain spatial analysis.  Good things about GeoDa:   GeoDa is an Open Source software,  Along with Spatial analysis, simpler & complex statistical data analysis performed in excel (charting, graphing ) can be performed in GeoDa.  Most suited for: It is most suitable for Students, Researchers. Downloadable link :  imagesource: GitHub