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Showing posts from 2017

Studying Urban Planning with GIS & Remote Sensing

GIS & Remote Sensing is widely used for studying Urban Dynamics Change. Many questions like what is %age increase in buildings in a city, what is direction of increase, etc.. etc.. This study explores urban change in Quetta District of province Balochistan,Pakistan.  Link for Project Image by Эдуард Ризванов from Pixabay LULC Image Of Quetta  District

What is SMAP

SMAP   Soil Moisture Active Passive   What is the purpose:  An orbiting observatory that measures the amount of water in the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil everywhere on Earth’s surface for every 2 -3 days . Image by  _Marion  from  Pixabay   It produces global maps of soil moisture, so creating a vast applications around the globe, It can be used for weather and climate studies. image source: NASA SMAP Publications Data Tutorials

GeoDa Free GIS Software

What is GeoDa : GeoDa provides analysis of various data formats like  shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, SQLite and table format (CSV, XLS and DBF). Image by  Pexels  from  Pixabay   How it is related to GIS: It provides Geo-visualization, user can perform certain spatial analysis.  Good things about GeoDa:   GeoDa is an Open Source software,  Along with Spatial analysis, simpler & complex statistical data analysis performed in excel (charting, graphing ) can be performed in GeoDa.  Most suited for: It is most suitable for Students, Researchers. Downloadable link :  imagesource: GitHub