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Showing posts from September, 2016

Studying Earth Gravity Using GIS & Remote Sensing

Scientist who want to study gravity can take help of GIS & Remote Sensing  Image by  mohamed Hassan  from  Pixabay   Which data set to use : Grace What it does:  It makes Detailed measurement of earth's gravity Investigates about Earth's hydro reservoir  Investigates physical changes earth encounters  Investigates Disasters Official site: image source:

China Launches World Largest Telescope

China launches world largest telescope "Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST" Investment :   $180 million Importance : Research, military, Space Control Research Area :  Tracing sign of intelligent extraterrestrial life.  Detecting gravitational waves.  Detecting radio emissions from stars and galaxies. image source:

Changing Letter Case in ArcGIS Using Python

Using Python to capitalize strings  - Add new field in Attribute Table - Go to Field Calculator  - Select Python  - use         .title()       .upper()       .lower() title= Abc upper= ABC lower = abc  Example=  FieldName.title() Image Source: Pixabay

What is Radiometric Resolution Of Satellite Image

Radiometric Resolution  is defined as magnitude of EM ( Electromagnetic Energy ) recorded by a sensor Units : Measured in Bits Formula: Each bit records an exponent Power of 2. 1 Bit= 2 2 Bit=4 4 Bit =16 8 Bit=255 digital values Note: 0 represents Black tone and maximum like 255 represents highest tone. image source 1 Bit will be Black & white 16 Bit will be colored 32 Bit will be more colored and will carry greater energy levels Higher Radiometric Resolution much variation in colors reflected. Image to left is of  higher radiometric resolution than that of Landsat below. image source:

Open Source Remote Sensing Software "OSSIM"

Free Remote Sensing Software OSSIM Open Source Software Image Map What about OSSIM : Open Source Remote Sensing Software  Who Funds : US departments (Intelligence & Defense) Image Source: Pixabay  Specialty: Supports more than 100 Raster & Vector Formats, Plugin Option available  Suitable for: High resolution Imagery (Spatial) OSSIM APPS:  Command Line  Desktop Applications     What OSSIM say about itself:                                                                                                      Image Source: Image Source:

Perform Viewshed Analysis in ArcMap

Visualize View From a Particular Point Using GIS  How many places are visible from your point, e.g. you want to construct a house how many places are visible from that sight.e.g. you want to practice shooting , how many visible spots can be shot from location (A Military Application)...likewise many other interesting applications can be performed using viewshed analysis. Image by  Tim Hill  from  Pixabay Performing ViewShed Analysis   Use any GIS software, e.g. i will use ArcMap, as a first step get data set of your area. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) that gives topographic information (lat, long, height) freely available online. A shapefile of your point of sight, which you can create it easily in GIS software Example :   plne , an elevation grid; and lookouts.shp , a lookout location shapefile. Step-1 : Start ArcMap , Add data  Search for Hillshade  and  specify  files plne or your grid file  Hillshade Tool Interface         Step-2 : Next search for Viewshed

Free Lidar Data Source

Lidar Data is available free of cost  How it works: User generated data sets that are registered  Good Point:  Free LiDar data   Open Topograhy Tools and Softwares  Point2Grid Opal ToolKit myHadoop For more research about Open topography visit:

Have You Heard Of Maptitude

Maptitude is a low cost commercial GIS software solution. What it used for: Higher level spatial analysis  Example: Geo-scientific, Environmental, Demographic   What are its Competitors:  SAGA GIS, QGIS and Esri ArcGIS  image sourcce: Interesting  Features: -  3D Rendering  -  Loaded with Data set (transportation, demographic and many more) -  Good for Vehicle Management Applications (Routing) -  Beautiful Visualization   Purchasing a commercial GIS Software, maptitude is also one option.  Want to know more about it: Geo Matching explains in detail Click here   for more details.