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Showing posts from August, 2016

Geocoding Using Google Earth & ArcGIS

Perform Geocoding Use google Earth search any place, & save the KML layer result by right clicking. Open ArcMap , convert saved KML to ArcGIS Layer using " KML to Layer " tool,  Add new layer. Add Base Map, thereafter export layer to shapefile . image source:  google-earth.en. image source:    

Satellites In Space Mapped Beautifully

Have you imagined how satellites have surrounded earth surface  Click   ESRI satellite Map  which beautifully visualizes all satellites surrounding earth. Image Source: ESRI Satellite Map

Generate 3D Surface Of Your Study Area

T  his tutorial explains steps to generate 3D surface for visualization and analysis. Image by  lijunzhuang  from  Pixabay         Start ArcScene from start menu.       Add DEM layers        Go to properties        Choose Base Heights tab.       Click   Obtain heights for layer from surface       Click Ok  Image Source: 3D visualization        

What is Geodesy

Science of measuring shape and forces of earth. GIS needs Geodesic concepts to determine accurate positioning. Datum we use in GIS are core of Geodesy. Image by  Paul Brennan  from  Pixabay  

Free High Resolution Satellite Images

DigitalGlobe Free Product Samples What is the Resolution of sample imagery: You can almost see license plates with the 30 cm spatial resolution data from the newly launched Worldview-3 satellite. Download 30 cm product: Image source:

Interesting Information About Opticks (Open Source Remote Sensing Software)

Free Remote sensing Software   Why so special : Free and Open Source   Additional Features: Extendable Plugins, an open source option to ERDAS IMAGINE, RemoteView, ENVI, or SOCET GXP, What Opticks say about its features:                        image source: Free and open source Supports the following file formats: NITF 2.0/2.1, GeoTIFF, ENVI, ASPAM/PAR, CGM, DTED, Generic RAW, ESRI Shapefile, HDF5, AVI, MPEG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP Zoom, pan, rotate spatially large datasets Quickly layer GIS features, annotations, results, and other information over your data to provide context Many image display controls such as colormap, histogram, transparency, etc. Support for datasets larger than four gigabytes Analysts can quickly combine steps using graphical wizards Support for processing data in its native interleave of BIP, BSQ or BIL Get  extensions  to drop in new capability. Text source:

Geo-Referencing vs Image Registration vs Image Rectification

Assigning  image  to behave as real earth position with true coordinates(lat, long) defines all three terms but there are differences. Geo-Referencing is general term that assigns a topo sheet true coordinates. Image Registration  is assigning an image coordinates on basis of another image. It is usually an image to image Georeferencing. Image Rectification  is assigning an image coordinates on basis of another vector data or shapefile or map. Share your thoughts by commenting below. Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Things To Know About Vector Data Model ?

What is Vector Data Model? Vector Data model is important concept in GIS, It consists of   point line and polygon features . Image by  Gerd Altmann  from  Pixabay   Point:   features recorded as single x, y coordinate pairs or geographic location imagesource: Line : features are an ordered series of connected line segments image source: Polygon : Features are an ordered series of at least 3 connected lines with same start and end point. Image source: ArcMap Window 

How To Calculate Slope From Digital Elevation Model

Many times you need to see how a terrain is changing in terms of slope over certain area, in GIS terms a slope is defined as  rise/run is defined as  Maximum rate of change in elevation over distance  between  cell and its eight neighbors .  Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay Data you need: A DEM of your area easily available over internet  Start   Arccatalog ArcCatalog Window  Make Connection to Folder containing Data Set by right click on Folder Connections   at top left tab “ Folder Connections ”.     Launch Arc Map Tool Interface     Right Click Layer and select Add Data -> Add “gridfile.txt” or DEM  Click on the search icon (Ctrl+F) Ascii To Raster Tool  Using local search . Type “ ASCII to raster ” in the dialog box.  Click on function ASCII to Raster (Conversion) (Tool) as shown in figure  A window as shown below appears ASCII to Raster Tool

What Can Be Done With Basic Tools In ArcMap

Basic Tools in ArcMap  Tools to Study : Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan, Select Elements, and Identify. Note: When you hold the mouse point over a tool, a Tool Tip appears in a floating box to tell you the name of the tool, a short message about the use of tool appears at bottom of ArcMap window. Basic Tools in ArcMap  Basic Tools Basic Tools in ArcMap  Zooming Data Set Zooming Tool  Icon:  You can Zoom in and Zoom out Data using Zoom icon Pan :  Panning Tool You can move the map around the screen using Pan Option. Select Elements :  Select Elements tool You can use S elect Elements tool to select features Drop down give you multiple select options Select Tool and click on portion of map you want to use, Selected feature will be highlighted as shown in figure below Select Tool Showing Selected Layer  Identify Tool:  Identify Tool  Select identify tool I as shown in top  palette  to display the information of a

Three Free GIS Softwares You Might Be Interested In

Free GIS Software QGIS Known as Quantum GIS supported by Plugins easily available and frequently used world wide. Downloading Link:      Whitebox GAT Whitebox GAT Website says " The Whitebox GAT project began in 2009 and was  conceived  as a replacement for the " Terrain Analysis System  (TAS) ". Downloading Link: gVSIG Claim to be largest online free Geomatics Professional software. Downloading Link: Image by  Mudassar Iqbal  from  Pixabay  

How Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Works In ArcMap

Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation explicitly makes the assumption that things closer to one another are more alike than those that are farther apart.   To predict a value at unknown   location , IDW is best tool .  Image by Mojca JJ from Pixabay IDW assumes that each measured point has a local influence that diminishes with distance. It gives greater weights to points closest to the prediction location , and the weights diminish as a function of distance, hence the name inverse distance weighted . Performing IDW  Go to IDW as shown in screen below  Geostatistical  Analyst -> IDW IDW Tool in ArcMap  Creating a IDW Map Load the layer for which you have to predict data at unknown points, e.g. my data layer is  reyprecip 1. Click on the point layer on which to perform IDW in the ArcMap table of contents. 2. Start the  Geo statistical  Analyst . OR 3. Go to search type IDW select IDW Geostatistical Analysis 4. Specify the desired param

Selecting Site For DAM Construction Using ArcMap (Watershed Analysis)

Often we need to  construct  sites for storage of water , i.e. DAM and likewise.  ArcMap can provide you with few very easy steps that scientifically selects suitable site.  Image Source: PixaBay  What these steps are? These are just few clicks that can be performed in GIS Software such as ArcMap  Adding Digital Elevation Model Converting Layer to KML Flow Direction Flow Accumulation Creating a new Shapefile Snap Pour Point Watershed Calculation Software you need for this: -          ArcGIS 10.X  Data Set: -         Any DEM ( Digital  Elevation Model Data) available online of your area of  interest .      Adding DEM Start ArcMap Right Click on layers and select Add Data Browse to folder to Add DEM data set available with name .tif or any other of your AOI. Change Symbology to your desired style just for understanding purpose Layer to KML : Just to view your area in real world we convert DEM to KML laye r to have a look of study a