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Showing posts from June, 2016

Watershed Analysis Interesting Tool

Watershed Analysis is performed to determine “Water Storage Site”. If You want to store water for your community, in a hilly area with side by streams which point/site you think is appropriate to store water. Watershed Analysis can solve your problem. Image by  Claudio Bianchi  from  Pixabay   What it does: It uses a Digital Elevation Model available freely online, and calculates watershed of area. It is done by following steps    Flow Direction (Calculates Direction of Flow at each raster)  Flow Accumulation (In each individual pixels how much pixels are contributing flow)  Snap Pour Point (Based on terrain select points with maximum Flow Accumulation )  Watershed Calculation (This tool will calculate area contributing to your snap point) imagesource: Tutorials: This blog in detail explains all steps with visual images.

Interesting Features Of Four Square App

What is Four Square Four Square is mapping application that finds nearby places such as coffee shop and others on map. How it works: It has 60 million venues in its database. How it is useful Planning journey Happy Hour Planning Transportation network   Nearby hospital Anything Special: Custom styled maps,based on Mapbox 

GIS Based Games

Mapping has found its applications almost in every domain, Gaming domain now a days is utilizing full potential of GIS and mapping. Image by  philm1310  from  Pixabay   Among various popular games available GeoGuessr is one of its kind, very interesting. What it is: It gives you a picture of location and ask you to guess place on map. How it improves your knowledge: It answers your question, and tells you how far you have been in your guess numerically. What is link to site: Source:

Interesting & Innovative "Light Pollution Map"

  Gives an idea of population concentration based on radiance How many layers it has: Two base layers Road Bing Maps (Hybrid) Where i can use:  Research  Urban Planning  Demographic Studies  Spatial Planning  Governance  Transportation  Geo- Business  Image by  Эдуард Ризванов  from  Pixabay   Source: Notes: The light pollution 2010 overlay was made from "Version 4 DMSP-OLS Stable Lights Coverage". The light pollution 2014, 2015, 2016 overlays were made from "VIIRS DNB Cloud Free Composites". Data from 2010 and 2014/2015/2016 is not comparable (different satellite systems)!!! Text Source:

Calculating Slope & Aspect In ArcGIS

Do you imagine how a terrain in a faraway place looks like, which direction it faces how it is changing , Or if you are interesting in building a house on mountainous terrain and do not want to visit site on ground, or want to study technicality of site while sitting at home, GIS is a good solution for your queries.  image source: Solution: GIS brings a solution “ Aspect Map ”. What it is: Map indicating physical slope. How it is measured: From North at 0 degree, turning clockwise to 360 degree again. How can I calculate it: You can use “Aspect Tool” in a GIS software such as ArcGIS Tools:     Slope Tool         Aspect Tool         Which data to use: DEM  (Digital Elevation Model)        Data Source:  Blog lists all details of sources.  What are some other applications of Slope Aspect?    Hiking   Building   Vegetation    Fleet Movement    Agriculture    LandSlide Study   Road Construction Sample Maps imagesour

Google Self Driving Cars

Timed, accurate cute and safe self-driving cars prototype have been launched by google. GIS and Self Navigation Deployed with high quality sensors, these cars can navigate through roads. Optimal routing, maps have high importance in Google Self Driving Cars,    It determines its own location,  Senses what is around it,  Predicts next.  Safe Speed and trajectory is chosen based on  three inputs. -        

How Toyota is Making Maps

Toyota is making its own maps, Importance of GIS and Geospatial Technologies is revolutionizing automobile industry. How it is doing it: - Data from cameras and GPS installed in Toyota cars is used for making maps. Who already are Toyota Competitors: - Google, TomTom, Apple, Uber. Importance of Project: - Toyota is preparing itself for self-driving cars in future. Here is video: - Video Image by  ErikaWittlieb  from  Pixabay  

Studying Mars with GIS

We always question about space, other planets, are there any creations outside this earth, is water present there and many more using GIS many of our questions can be answered about space. Mars being closest remained center of attention of researchers since times, NASA images on Mars can be studied using GIS and Remote Sensing, different Remote Sensing indices can be used to extract water, check for vegetation and soil types etc.       Look how Mars Terrain looks like      Want to know about NASA Mars Mission       Want to know about Mars Gravity  Image by  WikiImages  from  Pixabay   -           Image source Frosted dunes on mars      Learn about Mars Exploration Rover 

Where Pakistan Stands In Environmental Paradigm

Specific environmental problems in Pakistan & their aggravation by human activities directly or indirectly Climate change Environmental condition of Pakistan is facing serious challenges, In this article, we will try to explore what is baseline situation in Pakistan and how environmental issues are being aggravated by human and climate change. We will also will try to explore where the problem lays what is extent of damage by humans and what fault lies with government and and policy directions. What is possible remedy to it? Image by  Denny Franzkowiak  from  Pixabay   Location Pakistan is located 29.4000° N, 69.1833° E , It is  urbanized country of south Asia covering area of 796095 sq- km , Pakistan is environmentally ranked 131 out of 146 countries (Yale University Environmental Sustainability Index 2005), ranked 112 out of 178 countries (New Economics Foundation: Happy Planet Index 2006 New Economics Foundation: Happy Planet Index 2006). The environmen

Interesting way to Study Disaster

Often we encounter natural or man-made disasters. Mitigating disaster and minimizing losses once it has occurred is very essential. GIS can play a very good role in getting prepared for coming natural disaster or minimizing losses of newly occurred disaster. GIS can be used to predict certain disasters, maps and geo-spatial data can be analyzed to predict earthquake hurricanes or other natural disaster. Image by  Pete Linforth  from  Pixabay   Using GIS, we can plan our response, to minimize losses. We can route our plans based on interpolation and weighted overlay to cope the effect. Landslide vulnerability can be studied using relief maps and 3D analysis . DEM, DTM, or DSM can be used to mark sites with more vulnerability. Flood forecasting can be made using GIS image source: Geo Portals (Cloud GIS) can be used for single controlled multi sites operations. Avalanche or Glacier outbursts can be copped later using DEM, slopes

Good Way To Study Forestry

Global Forest Change Explorer Global Forest Change Explorer is  Designed By : University of Maryland, Google Earth Engine, Science in Classroom Why so special : Global Forest Change Explorer is used for Forest Change detection Is classified Data Downloadable : Yes For Students of Forestry : A specific curriculum is designed for better understanding Categories of Data Set Available : Countries, Eco Regions, and hotspots. A Glimpse: 

Innovative Way To Find Patterns of Interest In Satellite Imagery

Classifying Satellite Imagery made easy Terra Pattern Classifying satellite imagery for low level analysis need you to get in complicated image classification algorithm. Terra Pattern is a good solution for pattern matching and identification. Terra Pattern finds similar patterns of tile you have selected. Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay How it works: I have placed marker on green area, it matched all tiles with similar pattern and in right lower corner it displayed all results with similar match. Export: You can export results in GeoJSON Format. Good news for developer that it is open source.