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Showing posts from April, 2016

How To Extract Forest Or Vegetation Cover In Your City Using Satellite Imagery

Are you thinking to analyze how much of city is covered with vegetation or forest, there are many houses having big lawns with boundary wall how to get data, satellite images have solved this problem. You can now very easily get vegetation in your city or country using satellite images. Image by  Free-Photos  from  Pixabay   How to do it -          Download a satellite image            Get GIS Software  -          Perform analysis -          Generate a Map Your first step is to download any satellite imagery of your area from any free satellite data source such as USGS Earth Explorer   or any other.  Multi-spectral  Imagery that captures scene in many bands which are usually available free of cost. Downloading Raster Imagery using Earth Explorer Follow URL https://earthe...

Google Planetary Earth Engine

Launching innovative applications Google rule day to day Information technology, Google Earth with vast applications and visualizing capabilities, is being used for many GIS related operations. What data set GPEE uses?  Landsat and other data sets are being used by Google Planetary Earth Engine Image by  Gerd Altmann  from  Pixabay   Google Earth Engine  How can I use it?  GPEE can be used for change detection; temporal analysis of Data set can be performed. Example: You want to see how your city has changed in last few decades, what is current and past status of forest covers in your area. How is water path changing in last few decades? Read More @ For programmers interesting codes @

Who should learn GIS ?

You love to travel around, what is located in other part of world how it looks like, can I see my home from space, I wish I have wings so I can fly above the city and see everything around. Thank God, You are not centuries before child where you can just wish about all these. Image by Mojca JJ from Pixabay Today Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Street view and other like application in domain of spatial visualization have made things simple and easy. You can visualize any part of world on google map but there are more and more innovations coming for your enjoyment. Teaching History with GIS: Using online maps students learn more quickly what is being taught at schools and colleges. Cognitive approach takes GIS rank higher because pictures enhance learning time efficiency. Opening new dimensions from learning perspective: Students & Children’s who learn GIS or spatial sciences can best analyze problem because of geographic perspective when analyzing anything. ...

Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)

Ease of data manipulation remained a topic of interest and debate for academia and research. Web GIS, and spatial data interpolation will always be open topic for data exchange researches, innovation and technologies. Image by James Osborne from Pixabay   FME can extract transform and load data (ETL) operations along with conversion into other formats, ease of operation extends to such a space that automated conversion for large data sets is also an option. It has ability to handle Lidar data set. One can convert, transform, merge, validate, Re-project, inspect, style and filter spatial data sets. More aboutFME ...

How Pakistan Can Benefit From GIS

Geo Spatial Sciences are being applied all over the globe, for efficient and good governance. Developed and under developed countries are focusing to include innovation in geographic sciences for better administration and management. Image by Uzairmaqbool from Pixabay Issue of Tax- Evaders in Pakistan : Ministry of Finance, FBR (Federal Board of Revenue) often complain about tax evaders, a good approach for them is use GIS, using satellite images every individual lot can be mapped, property tax system can be made updated using spatial approach. Transportation Planning can be enhanced with Remote Sensing : Using Remote Sensing techniques, government can map the parking lots with vehicle density, which can be used to identify urban area transportation problem. Urban Planners can benefit from LU/LC maps: Using Land Use Land cover maps; change detection can be monitored and analyzed on regular basis, on basis of accurate data set. Forest Monitoring made easy: ...

GIS an Innovating Tool

Problem solving through IT and modern technologies is essential for effective resource management, good governance. Not only developing countries are focusing on masking every business with IT, but developed ones have achieved larger mile stones in this domain. Developed countries have initiated the IoT ( Internet of Things ) Era. GIS seems to be an innovative technology in a sense that data today needs GIS to be incorporated to mine the results end consumer wants. GIS is geographic information science , which handles spatial or geographical data. Various commercial and open source platforms provide map, and various spatial tiers. Geo- Server, OSM and many more are providing various levels of services. How can I use GIS in my field of expertise: Image by  Hans Braxmeier  from  Pixabay   Use of GIS is spread across the globe; there would hardly be any field that cannot be benefited with GIS. You are a business man, with efficient ERP software ...